Castle Crashers Wiki

Hey buddy how's it going?
— Reptilian Shopkeeper, Castle Crashers Remastered

The Swamp Village Store is the fifth store in the game Castle Crashers.

Shop Description[]

The Swamp Village Store one of the larger stores in the game, offering a weapon, an animal orb, some basic supplies, and other items. The Swamp Village Store is unlocked after a player completes the Corn Boss level. The Beefy Barbarian will try intimidate you on purpose. There is a barrel that can hold fruit and gold near the Beefy Barbarian. The Swamp Village Store is the only store with two shopkeepers, one being a Beefy Barbarian like the one from the Home Castle or the Barbarian Boss. The other is presumably an unarmored Snakey, which may mean that Snakeys aren't human. The strange shopkeeper creature is often referred to as snake/fish like creature or as the Swamp Village Shopkeeper.

Items sold[]

The Swamp Village Store sells four items, however the weapons/animal orbs will change depending on the game version and Mode:

Vendor Quotes[]

Reptilian Shopkeeper[]

  • Sssssss
  • Hey buddy how's it going?
  • Please don't hit me.
  • Glorp glorp?

Barbarian Shopkeeper[]

  • I could pound you flat.
  • Grrrrr.
  • I hate my job.
  • Don't make me repeat myself!




Spanish Waltz


  • The music that plays in the store is Spanish Waltz by Urbanus.
  • This and Snow Store are the only stores in the game that have two shopkeepers selling items.

See also[]
