Castle Crashers Wiki
Obraz 2021-06-08 022638

Pudding is a food in All You Can Quaff. It is found in the game files, but there are no video recordings of it being eaten inside the minigame. However, there seems to be some evidence of the All You Can Quaff glitching and replacing other food with the pudding sprite for a small span of time.


Very little is known about this food. It is possible that it only appears in the game code and cannot occur during normal gameplay, as there have not been any recordings of it appearing.

This could be a placeholder sprite however, for the same sprite appears in Alien Hominid's All You Can Eat


sample photo during glitch


  • According to Dan Paladin, the brown puddle of food from All You Can Quaff doesn't have an official name, and that it was either intended to be pudding or gravy.
