Castle Crashers Wiki
Castle Crashers Wiki

Mr. Buddy is one of the 29 Animal Orbs a player can obtain in the game Castle Crashers.


Mr. Buddy is located in the Home Castle level when starting out at the Barracks. There is an X in the hay at the far left under the Vet. Dig it up with the Shovel to obtain Mr. Buddy.


Primary Ability

"Digging Assistance"

Allows the player to dig faster. This effect is comparable to Pazzo, another Animal Orb which affects digging. They both have one thing in common, and that's the fact that they have little to no use. Whereas Pazzo finds dig locations and gives +2 Defense (PC/Remastered), Mr. Buddy only enhances dig speed, so its usage is fairly limited.

There is a potential use for Mr. Buddy is in Arena, but Treasure is an unpopular game type, along with Arena having a low player count in general.



  • Mr. Buddy is the first Animal Orb the player can obtain in a new game if they start with the Shovel.
  • The name "Buddy" appears in the game's credits, hinting that Mr. Buddy (like Pazzo and Sherbert) is named after a developer's pet.
  • When Mr. Buddy is helping the player dig, he will spin over the X mark are trying to dig at.
  • If the player is attacked, interrupting the dig, Mr. Buddy will continue to spin over the X, but will yield nothing.
  • Mr. Buddy resembles a Doberman Pinscher.
  • Mr. Buddy is one of the 4 Animal Orbs that can be dug up, along with Giraffey, Frogglet, and Chicken.

See also[]
