Castle Crashers Wiki

Magic is one of the four main attributes a character can upgrade in the game Castle Crashers. Although it may have limited power and usages at earlier levels, it can be devastating to enemies on later ones. This attribute is one of the main factors which can distinguish one character from the rest. Some characters share magic and some even share all of the same magic cast.

As with other attributes, some weapons and animal orbs can increase the Magic attribute level beyond 25 points, which is usually the maximum level. Also, "splash attacks" can hit larger enemies and bosses multiple times because they can either sustain multiple hits before being knocked down or simply just can't be knocked down so they have to sustain all damage dealt with a splash attack, which maximizes how quickly such enemies die, which is very useful.

Magical Attacks[]

Magic attack

The Brute, the Barbarian and the Stove Face are three non-elemental characters


Magic as shown in the Magic section of How to Play.

Magic is used to perform non-standard attacks. Elemental magics are specialized and more useful on some targets than others. Non-Elemental magic is general-purpose and will be equally effective on almost every type of enemy. The combos are listed below.

Note: Since a new character always starts out with 1 Skill Point filled for Magic, the Skill Point or Magic Level requirement for the other combos will be listed normally, followed by the actual cost in game.

Splash Attack

To Perform: 360 RT+360 Y / PS3 R2+PS3 Triangle/Keyboard White E Keyboard White W

Effect: The Splash Attack deals damage to multiple enemies. As the Magic attribute gets upgraded, more damage and range can be attained (Extra segment every 5 Magic Skill Points). Opponents can't block most splash attacks with their shields.

Magic Level Requirement: 1 Skill Point (Unlocked by default)

Character Level Requirement: N/A

Magic Projectile

To Perform: 360 RT+360 B / PS3 R2+PS3 Circle

Effect: Magic attack that focuses on a single enemy, but has higher damage than the Splash Attack. Its damage increases with the character's Magic level. This attack can be blocked by shields. Can also be used in the air, with some kickback.

Magic Level Requirement: 5 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 4 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: N/A

Air Projectile

To Perform: 360 A+360 RT+360 Y / PS3 Cross+PS3 R2+PS3 Triangle

Effect: A basic mid-air magical attack with a slanted angle of 45° (22 characters total have this trait) or 60° (5 characters total have this trait) with 4 exceptions: Saracen, Bear, Blue Knight, and Blacksmith, whose Air Projectiles are similar, if not identical to their Splash Attacks. Damage increases with Magic level.

Magic Level Requirement: 10 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 9 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: N/A

Elemental Infusion

To Perform: 360 X360 X360 X360 Y / PS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 Triangle / Keyboard White A Keyboard White A Keyboard White A Keyboard White W

Effect: Melee attack imbued with the power of the character's element. Damage is determined by the character's Strength and Magic levels.

Magic Level Requirement: 15 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 14 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: N/A

Elemental Infusion (Level 2)

To Perform: 360 X360 X360 X360 Y360 Y / PS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 TrianglePS3 Triangle

Effect: Elemental Infusion with an extra attack at the end, good for killing bosses. Also known as the Drill Combo.

Magic Level Requirement: 15 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 14 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: 50

Magic Jump

To Perform: 360 RT+360 A / PS3 R2+PS3 Cross

Effect: Performs a magic-assisted jump, allowing the player to jump higher and damage any enemies standing beneath.

Magic Level Requirement: 20 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 19 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: N/A

Types of Magic[]

Elemental Magic[]

Each elemental magic has its own special effect:

  • Fire: Burns a target, inflicting steady fire damage over a short time.
  • Ice: Freezes the target, immobilizing them for a short time.
  • Electricity: Shocks a target, stunning them for a short time.
  • Poison: Poisons a target, causing it to suffer steady poison damage over a short time.
Note: Certain enemies are weak or strong against certain elements, or take more or less damage from certain types of elemental attacks. The use of elemental magic is usually reserved for the four starting knights (Green, Red, Blue and Orange Knights). However, a few other characters can also use elemental magic, or a hybrid of elemental and non-elemental, such as the Iceskimo. Cult Minions are immune to all elemental magics and take 1 damage with no effect or knockback.

Non-Elemental Magic[]

Non-elemental magic is generally not resisted by enemies and has no particular strength against some of them. However, some non-elemental magic attacks have special properties, such as King being able to heal himself or Pink Knight stunning enemies.

Characters by Magic Type[]

Refer to the following list to see which type of magic each character is included in:

Magic-Oriented Weapons and Pets[]


The following Weapons grant an extra segment for the Splash Attack, as they give +5 or more magic:

The following weapons grant an extra splash segment if paired with Zebra or Cardinal:

Animal Orbs[]

Magician Enemies[]

Some, but not all enemies in the game can use Magic attacks similarly to a player. These enemies are internally referred to as being "magicians". The Fire Demons in Lava World, the Royal Guards on Sand Castle Roof, and the Conehead Groom when he's brought down to below 40% health are a few examples.


  • Using Magic boosts from Weapons and Animal Orbs to meet the Skill Point requirement of unlocking a new Magic attack does not work, however range increases for Splash Attacks do work.
  • Characters who have good crowd control, little to no delay, and versatility with their Splash Attacks are the ones who are generally considered to have the best magic. There is something to be said for a Splash Attack with a long delay (such as Hatty's, or Pink Knight's) if the player is able to predict where the enemy will be, though, as it allows the player to attack without putting themselves in as much danger, which can be quite useful against certain bosses and chasing enemies.

See also[]
