Castle Crashers Wiki

Industrialist is an enemy and also one of the 31 Playable Characters in the game Castle Crashers. Their magical attacks are Non-Elemental and their starting weapon is the Ugly Mace.


Visual Description[]

Mechanical in appearance, they wear a metallic helmet with a cone-shaped top, extending down the sides of the head, and featuring a nose protector (nasal). The bottom half of their face is wrapped in a blue material, strips of which are also seen around the waist and across the chest. They wear a top similar in color to their helmet.

Throughout the game, Industrialists are seen wielding both Ugly Maces and Wrenches.

Castle Crashers[]

The Industrialist, along with the Fencer, is one of two characters to utilize sawblades in their Magic abilities.

Industrialists are only seen mobile in Industrial Castle. They are comprised of the Industrial Prince's army, where they fend off the player from retrieving the Orange Princess. Industrialists are seen again in Wizard Castle Interior, where their dead bodies lay.

Character Comparisons[]

As playable characters, Industrialist and Fencer are reskins of each other, sharing identical Magic abilities.


Splash Attack

"Saw Trap"

Element: Non-Elemental

Max Hits: 4 per upgrade level (max 28)

Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage x 0.4

Use 360 RT360 Y/PS3 R2PS3 Triangle/Switch RTSwitch X to perform. This Splash Attack is effective for large bosses, being the fastest hitting Splash Attack in the game, at the cost of doing about half damage as other Splash Attacks. This Splash Attack hits behind the player, and stays active the longest of any Splash Attacks.


Magic Projectile

"Buzzsaw Toss"

Element: Non-Elemental

Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use 360 RT360 B/PS3 R2PS3 Circle/Switch RTSwitch A to perform. A small, round saw blade/buzzsaw used as a Magic Projectile with unlimited range and fast speed.


Air Projectile

"Buzzsaw Toss"

Element: Non-Elemental

Max Hits: 1

Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage

Use 360 A, 360 RT360 Y/PS3 Cross, PS3 R2PS3 Triangle/Switch B, Switch RTSwitch X to perform. A small, round saw blade used as an Air Projectile with unlimited range and fast speed.

Elemental Infusion

"Armor Pierce"

Element: Non-Elemental

Damage: Base Magic Damage x 2 + Base Melee Damage x 2

Use 360 X360 X360 X360 Y / PS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 Triangle / Switch YSwitch YSwitch YSwitch X to perform. This attack pierces armor, and it deals two times normal damage.

Magic Jump

"Smog Rise"

Element: Non-Elemental

Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use 360 RT360 A/PS3 R2PS3 Cross/Switch RTSwitch B to perform. Leaps up with a purple steam cloud and a steam sound effect, damaging nearby enemies.


Unlock Path[]

Start Character Unlocks Unlocks
Blue Knight Industrialist Fencer



  • Defeating the Industrial Machine as the Industrialist unlocks the achievement, The Traitor.
  • In an interview, Dan Paladin mentioned an unused scene where the Bears fought against Industrialists, who were chopping down the trees in their region. The ongoing battle would result in piles of dead Bears, and the player would walk past the corpses right into the Bears' castle. This scene never made it into the game, although it had already been drawn. [1]

