I can't delete blog posts :(
Damn those blog posts I made in January are bad, don't take my words from then seriously...
Castle Crashers Wiki Discord Server
Are you a Castle Crashers player looking to connect with other players? Do you have a question about the game?
Consider joining the Castle Crashers Wiki Discord server today!
We have an active userbase, a dedicated matchmaking channel for finding people to play with, user-generated guides, and more!
You can join us through the widget in the sidebar, or by clicking here. If the link has expired, feel free to ask for a new one!
If you feel that you've been wrongly punished by a member of the Discord staff team, you can fill out this form to file a complaint. All complaints are taken seriously and are investigated thoroughly.
This form can also be used by previously-hacked users to reverse the ban after recovering their accounts.
Why does it say "share YOUR thoughts".
I don't want to hear what other chimps think about a multicolored character that shoots infinite bombs everywhere and has 0 ventilation that somehow defeated a boss that has killed numerous races.
How long will this take.
I've been editing many articles in an attempt to help this wiki and to help me try to get admin title.
If I can become admin I will shut the tier list pages down...
Jasper is an fanmade NPC ally and one of the 32 playable characters. Jasper looks a gray knight, he has a magic ball in his chest and he wears a Helm of Dragon. He has a store named Snakey Store with him running it he also has an alien plush and a snakey plush.
Big Stream
Big Stream is my fanmade level. In Big Stream there is water and dinos to ride, seahorse is recommended for this level even if you are riding on dinos.
At the start, dinos are waiting to be rode the water makes you slow so you should have seahorse with you. Thieves will be riding dinos, and shooting you. You can jump on dinos to hit them. After they are killed, two more thieves and one barbarian will come. After they are killed a mini boss will be at the next level, where you jump off a cliff and fall in a hole where the level ends.
Jump on the right dino, no thieves can hurt you there jump on the dino in front of them to kill them. The barbarian can kill you of where you are, but the thieves can't. Keep doing this until the level ends.
· Eve…
Most annoying enemy to deal with?
I’d say Beefy Enemies, Stove Faces, or Evil Cultists. Honorable mentions are Royal Guards, Fire Demons, and those fish enemies in the Flooded Temple level.
No one is ever going to read this because the wiki is dead.
I started playing CC back in 2020 after playing it at a friends house and having a lot of fun. I have spend ~20 hours in the game and have decided (because reason has abandoned me) to main Hatty. I really like his character styling and the box look is really funny (looking). I had no idea that the game was as old as it is and I think the remastered update (or rerelease?) brought a lot of good changes, although I'm fairly certain I will never even try the barbarians mini-game.
Castle Crashers Minecraft Resource Pack
Somehow I never posted about this. Me and Grozny made this Resource Pack in 2020, feel free to check it out:
Castle Crashers Wiki: MAJOR 2022 UPDATE
You guys really need to cool it down around here, everytime I log on I'm flooded with messages
On a serious note, here's two cool things that are happening right now:
- Wikia actually kind of added a cool feature with the Interactive Maps? I started making one for the world map. I'll let some other people fill out the rest. It seems pretty fun. Maybe we could even make some for levels? Like if we got a banner of an entire level, you could put markers on where all the items and secrets are, with links to their respective pages. Maybe that's too complicated. On a practical level, if someone could figure out how to upload a higher resolution version of the map that would be great.
- Comments are re-enabled. This has been the case for a while but I d…
Previous Polls
This was a cute page that compiled the original polls before I changed it to weekly polls. Nice bit of wiki history;
Here the results of all the previous polls on the home page are listed.
Why did the cop arrest the Green Knight? Because he was high on acid.
Who's the best PvP character? Blue Knight/Icekimo
What do you think is the hardest level? Full Moon
Who's the most annoying enemy? Thief
What's the best S-rank weapon? Snakey Mace
What stat do you max first? Magic is cool but agility is the coolest :3
What are your limits to soloing insane mode? All I need is max agility and magic, maybe a couple potions, then I can just juggle my way to victory
What's the best B-rank weapon? Broccoli Sword
What's the best A-rank weapon? King's Mace
What's the most pathet…
Castle Crashers Wiki Discord Ban Appeal Form
If you have been banned from the Discord, please fill out the form below.
I just noticed that while Pink Knight, his weapons, and pet are listed under "Pink Knight Pack." Blacksmith, his weapon, and his pet are not listed under "Blacksmith Pack."
I'm not sure if the Pink Knight pack category should be deleted, or if a 'Blacksmith Pack" category should be created.
If you know the answer feel free to comment.
This page should serve as an introduction to my work on this wiki, and perhaps an explanation of why I edited something the way I did. To be honest, I wrote it because I was paranoid that the original author of a page would be peeved somehow that I thought it necessary to edit their work.
When I discovered this wiki, I was a little dismayed by the editorial quality of some of the pages. I think there's a lot of great, helpful, and accurate info on this wiki, and I'm grateful to the dedicated gamers who took the time to aggregate that info here. I just also think it could be a little... cleaner. Many pages are, for instance, are written in an informal tone. While there certainly isn't anything inherently wrong with informal tone, it can come…
I don't do much...
I'd be out of a job if people didn't know how to spell "thieves."
BlueDragonEthan (talk) 20:58, October 12, 2020 (UTC)
Important Wiki changes to help fight against spam
To improve professionalism throughout the wiki, various changes are taking place to keep it clean from trolls. Given the game's age, and how long the wiki is around, the wiki should be considered nearly content complete. All that remains is to keep that content safe from vandalism, and improving it with more professional presentiation.
- Users now require an account to make edits or post on the forums. Most vandals use guest accounts to ruin pages, which can make them difficult to track.
- Comments on articles have been disabled indefinitely. Although they're very entertaining, they're prone to spam and nonsense. Users can use blog posts, user message walls, and forums to communicate from now on, as well as the Discord server.
- Certain pages are go…
Staff Application Thread
I realized our old staff application thread was deleted, and it was pretty outdated anyway. All staff positions (including rollback) come with a correlating role on the discord server if you would like them, however you are not expected to moderate both.
- 1 All Positons
- 1.1 Rollback
- 1.2 Moderator
- 1.3 Admin
- 1.4 Bureaucrat
- 2 Is a position available?
- 3 Applying
Your primary responsibility is to undo vandalism edits. Rollback comes with the ability to undo a bad edit with a click.
Your primary responsibility is to keep the wiki safe. You can remove toxic comments, protect high traffic pages, and delete spam pages.
Your primary responsibility is to maintain the wiki's functions. Posting announcements, working on the CSS, and various other tasks to keep the wiki …
Jefes De Castle Crashers
Hola a Tod@s Bienvenidos a este como se llame, Vamos a empezar con El Jefe Barbaro:Se Encuentra En Guerra Barbara, y si ganas te dan al caballero gris.
La Mama Troll (Minijefe:La Mama Troll se encuentra en Bosque de los Ladrones, y si lo ganas no te dan nada.
Barbo:Barbo es un Pez Gato Se Encuentra en Los Rapidos, y si te lo pasas no te da nada, pero en modo loco te da al caballero gris con la mascara abierta.
Oso Jefe (Minijefe): El oso jefe se encuentra en campo de la hierba alta, no te da nada.
Murcielago Gigante:El Murcielago Gigante, Se Encuentra en Cueva del Murcielago y si lo pasas no te da nada pero en modo loco te da al Rey.
Ciclope:Es un Minijefe Se Encuentra en Boda Chafada, y si lo pasas no te da nada
El Gato Gigante (No es Barbo):…
Does anybody have requests for High-Quality images from the game files?
This is just kind of an open-ended announcement for my profile that I'm able to rip images from the game files. If you need a png of a character or item for a project, or need a better quality image to update an old article, I'm your guy. Please add me on discord at Abefroman#2155 or make a comment down below this post to file a request ;)
Just added something
Hey muh dudes I just added something to the Tricky The Clown Gallery. It's a gif of her full dance hope to see you guys again soon. bye. =)
Wikia Chat has been Disabled
If you're interested in live chatting with users, please use the #wiki-discussion channel of the discord server:
Making categories more useful
Over the years, categories have become an easy way to farm edits on the wiki. This has lead to an oversaturation of useless categories like "alien" or "augmented melee". The category system has become basically useless because of how nonsensical things are categorized. If you're looking for something easy to edit, please help by removing useless categories from pages, and streamlining categories altogether.
- 1 How to Delete a Category
- 2 Categories to be Deleted
- 3 Categories to be Kept, Modified, or Merged
- 4 Why do this?
Unfortunately fandom does not offer a feature to delete a category from all pages it appears in, so instead a category must be manually deleted page by page.
The category editor can be found in the visual editor on the right side of…
Welcome Switch and PS4 users!
Whether you're replaying the game after a long hiatus, or just picking it up for the first time, welcome to the castle crashers community! We're glad to have you here. I've decided to post this blog to give you guys some resources that you might find useful.
- The Castle Crashers Remastered page lists all changes and updates made in the remastered version. If you're playing the remastered game for the first time after the original it may be useful to read up on.
- The Weapons and Animal Orbs pages list all the updated stats in the remastered version as well reference to the original, so you can compare the two with ease.
- If you're looking for people to play with, we've added both Switch and Playstation 4 to our matchmaking section of the discord …
Put These Myths to Rest Please
Here are some facts that should put these obnoxiously persistent rumors to death:
- Both sawblade users have the same mana cost and regeneration rate. This myth was started by me, and disproven years ago by myself and Nog642 years ago.
- Ninja doesn't have faster melee. This was tested and disproven by U-Knighted on his youtube channel.
- Iceskimo doesn't have faster projectiles than any other character. This was also tested and disproven by UK on his youtube channel.
Added 07/16/19
- Brute and Snakey don't have more hits than any other regular character. All you need to debunk this is a pair of working eyes.
This list may grow if more rumors come to my attention. Also, I will include some facts about the characters below that have been fully tested, s…
i learn
tday i've learned how to put musics at the pages, but doesn't wait i put some music at pages at time, i am bad at musics and i will delay at least 45 minutes!
Who's your favorite bottom tier?
These options are based on the latest tier list. I was debating on putting thief and his reskins in, but I decided that they are just barely above bottom-tier.
The Forerunners DLC
This DLC features the forgotten knights and warriors; the fathers of the four knights in Castle Crashers They fought along side Blacksmith, King, the Traveling Salesman, and a few assorted shopkeepers back in the day when they were in their prime years.
The characters in this pack use forgotten and/or lost magic, meaning they're the only people alive in the world who use their magic movesets.
- 1 Characters
- 1.1 Old Green Knight
- 1.2 Old Red Knight
- 1.3 Old Blue Knight
- 1.4 Old Orange Knight
- 1.5 Young Blacksmith
- 1.6 Young King
- 1.7 Traveling Salesman
- 1.8 Castle Keep Shopkeeper
- 1.9 Snow Store Shopkeeper
- 1.10 Church Store Priest
- 2 Weapons
- 3 Pets
- 3.1 Scratch-pow
- 3.2 Harey the Rabbit
- 3.3 Freddy the Ferret
- 3.4 Willy the Weasel
- 3.5 Fresca the Lab
- 3.6 Matt the Rat
- 3.7 Maul the Moose
- 3.8 Eddie the…