Castle Crashers Wiki

BiPolar Bear is one of the 29 Animal Orbs a player can obtain in the game Castle Crashers.


BiPolar Bear can be obtained at the end of Snow World. Blow the Horn in front of the cave leading to the Ice Castle level close to the Horn sign, and Bi-Polar Bear will emerge, allowing the player to obtain it.


Primary Ability

"Enemy Evisceration"

BiPolar Bear will maul enemies of any sort with 8% or less HP, and will maul the player or allies at 11 or less HP. The disadvantage is usually insignificant, as it's very rare for a player to reach that little health.

This ability also allows players to avoid overkill, as BiPolar Bear will notify them when an enemy is dead in the middle of a combo, saving an exponential amount of time. The effect also applies to bosses. BiPolar Bear does 32-96 damage per hit; with an average of 4 hits per second, each of which reaps XP.


  • As soon as BiPolar Bear gets really close to enemies that are being juggled, he will begin fidgeting around the airborne enemy. This is the best indicator of the player over-killing the enemy within a juggle. However, this may not always be an accurate estimate of overkill if multiple enemies are involved within the juggle; usually, with the juggle being either a lightweight, mediumweight, or heavyweight juggle depending on the level and enemy types.
  • BiPolar Bear will automatically maul the Painter's paintings when the Painter begins to move all over his room when his health bar's significantly depleted.
  • BiPolar Bear will attack Pipistrello's poop.
  • If BiPolar Bear is seen fidgeting around a boss but doing no damage to it, the player has to attack the boss in order for BiPolar Bear to successfully kill it.
  • There may be also a glitch where the BiPolar Bear even when fidgeting around the boss, will do little damage over time instead of mauling the boss as intended (experimented on the Xbox 360).



  • The BiPolar Bear's name is a wordplay on bipolar disorder, a mental disorder that causes periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood, and the Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus).
  • BiPolar Bear can Critical Strike for up to 384 damage.
  • BiPolar Bear can kill its owner or their co-op partners if they are at 11 HP; in the arena or during a princess fight, it will instead kill other players at 8% HP, but will still kill its owner at 11 HP.

See also[]

  • Pet Tiers
