The Barbarian Boss is the second boss and the first major boss enemy in Castle Crashers. He is a very large, muscular Barbarian, presumably a leader or at least a powerful warrior. He enters from the right of the screen by knocking down a door, flattening a Beefy Barbarian. The fight starts immediately.
He carries a massive spiked heavy-shield attached to his back. The spikes on this shield have the ability to lunge out of it and retract again, allowing the Barbarian Boss to cover great distances to compensate for his slow movement. This can be easily blocked with a shield.
The Barbarian Boss, while slow, can demonstrate that he can be surprisingly agile. One of his attacks consists in slamming his shield into the ground, trying to flatten any enemies standing on its way. Instead of only lifting his shield back, he will use it to propel himself and perform a somersault to reach the other side of the battlefield.
Regular barbarians will also join the battle, but they can be damaged by the Barbarian Boss's attacks if they are not careful. These barbarians will commonly drop fruit when killed.
As soon as the player has entered, a door will close behind, locking the player in with the Barbarian Boss. Eventually, regular barbarians will join the fight too. He can easily be defeated with juggling. After he dies, the player can hit the chest that crushes the Barbarian Boss, to open it up and litter the area with gold and other treasures. Once they are all collected, the ropes binding the Red Princess to the pole can be cut down and the kiss can be received. If there are two or more players, they have to fight over to determine who gets to kiss her.
Battle Overview[]
- Giant Punch: The Barbarian Boss's basic attack is a punch which can be dodged or simply blocked with a shield. He will telegraph this move by drawing his arm back before performing this attack.
- Shield Spikes: The Barbarian Boss will momentarily block with the giant spiked shield which he takes from his back, and then the spikes on the shield will shoot out. These spikes have a good amount of reach but can effectively be blocked by the player's shield. This attack is also not very powerful. Both the punch and the spikes will knock the player to the ground if not avoided or blocked. The spikes will deal 10 damage on Normal Mode and 100 on Insane Mode.

The Barbarian Boss's Shield Slam attack.
- Shield Slam: Occasionally, the Barbarian Boss will swoop his giant shield over his head which, if hits, will shove the character into the ground and the animation of a lever swooping back and forth will appear above the character's head, indicating the player to wiggle the
from left to right to escape. This attack can only be avoided, not blocked. The player can't take damage while submerged in the ground.
- Reinforcements: When the Barbarian Boss's health goes down to below 70%, barbarians will come from the crowd to join in the fight. At first, there will only be one barbarian in the fight; when the Barbarian Boss's health is below 40%, a maximum of two barbarians can be in the fight at once, and if one is killed, another will shortly take their place. These barbarians can be damaged and knocked back by the Barbarian Boss's punch and spike attacks, and they drop fruit which can be used to heal the character.
- Toxic Belch: Once the Barbarian Boss's health gets below 50%, he will occasionally pull out a bottle and drink its contents, resulting in him burping which will both send out flames which will damage the player, and send the boss flying backward to the other side of the screen, which will also damage the character if they are in the way. The bottle can also damage any player near it when it hits the ground.
During the fight with the Barbarian Boss, the player is restricted by doors to the left and right, and invisible walls created by barbarian hordes to the top and bottom of the screen. To the top of the screen, the four princesses are tied to stakes. When the Barbarian Boss's health is lowered to half, the Green, Blue, and Orange princesses are carried away, leaving only the Red Princess to be be freed upon victory.
Insane Mode[]
When fought on Insane Mode, the Barbarian Boss moves much faster than he did previously, being able to easily keep pace with the player as the fight progresses. His punching, spike and burp attacks inflict far more damage. The slam attack, however, appears unchanged. He also uses the burp attack more often. The animation appears to be somewhat skippy, for unknown reasons.
When the Barbarian Boss has been defeated, a large treasure chest will crush him. Hitting the chest 3 times will unlock it, sending its contents soaring and dropping treasure everywhere. This chest only yields coins, coin bags, and blue gemstones, which are valued at 1, 5 and 6 gold, amounting to around 105–135 gold. After the player is done looting, they then cut the Red Princess' bindings, freeing her.
- When The Barbarian Boss smashes the player into the ground with his shield slam attack, he will laugh at the player. This is known as a Par, as the boss has violated the player, and then proceeds to laugh in their face.
- When The Barbarian Boss launches his spikes and the player blocks them, the Barbarian crowd will cheer the boss even though the player wasn't hurt. The same thing happens if the boss hits another enemy Barbarian.
- The Barbarian Boss can be damaged with arrows and magic during the Shield Spikes attack if the player gets behind him.
- During the Shield Slam attack, it is possible to hit The Barbarian Boss from the ground while he is in the air.
- When The Barbarian Boss hits the player with any attack other than a punch, the forefront crowd will cheer and jump into the air in excitement, partially obscuring the screen.
- This boss is frequently used by mid-level characters to get money quickly, as he is no trouble for any character over level 10 and provides around 100–200 gold upon defeat.
- When the game was in development, the Barbarian Boss used to be a Beefy Barbarian with unique properties.
- During The Barbarian Boss fight, a small, possibly juvenile, Barbarian can be seen in the crowd on the right side, near the exit.
- As the boss battle progresses, blood from The Beefy Barbarian will be slightly coming out from under the door on the ground.
- Beating the Barbarian Boss as the Barbarian unlocks the achievement/trophy "The Traitor".
- It is possible to get The Barbarian Boss stuck in a walking position by trapping him in the bottom-right corner.
- The Barbarians in the crowd have varying colored masks. Most have light or dark tan, and one even has a pinkish tinted one. Regardless, they don't completely match the coloration of the ones that pop out of the crowd to fight, or even that of the Boss himself.
- Even after disabling Gore in the Help & Options menu, the Barbarian Boss will still show gore after being crushed by the chest.
- The demo version of Castle Crashers ends during the Barbarian Boss fight, in which a Troll will come and turn off the lights, prompting the player to buy the full game.
- If the player is close to a barbarian minion when the barbarian boss tosses the bottle after drinking it that bottle will damage the barbarian minion.