Castle Crashers Wiki

Barbarian is one of the 31 Playable Characters in the game Castle Crashers. Their magical attacks are Non-Elemental and their starting weapon is the Barbarian Ax.


Visual Description[]

Barbarians are very detailed. Brown fur that surrounds their entire body, common dark gray arms with gray pauldrons, a cracked dark beige visor, two ivory/dark beige colored horns with some scars on them, and a khaki backpack. They possess metal shoes and dark leg clothing. Barbarians have a mask/visor that has a inverted drop shape, featuring 3 lines on the visor's bottom. The mask also possesses 6 small circular holes which probably serves as eye or nose hole. In the very bottom of their rectangular heads, a thin line can be seen.

On their portrait, their mask is seen with a tiny shattered long crack and a more dynamic appearance.

Barbarians' Beefy version features a six pack, 3 more hip backpack belts along with a enlarged backpack (both are also more dynamic), and their arms are clothed with a dark brown tape textured arm sleeves, ending in the hand. Their fingers are still visible, and while they are also nailless, they have only four.

Their Shields are normal shields, and they also have ivory/beige colored outlines and their center is colored brown and do not have any special shape other than flat-shaped. The shields are similar to their user's body colors.

Castle Crashers[]

The Barbarians are the ones that attack the Home Castle, and kidnap the four princesses at the beginning of the game. They have been fighting in a war with the Home Kingdom, and it is the player's duty to turn the war in favor of the King and his soldiers, and a very large barbarian serves as one of the very first bosses fought. In Forest Entrance, Barbarians and Thieves can be seen trading the Orange Princess for Gold with the Industrial Prince. Barbarians don't reappear until much later when they're resurrected by the Necromancer twice in Wizard Castle Interior. Throughout the campaign, enemy Thieves can be seen wielding the Barbarian Ax, Club, Thief Sword, or Black Morning Star.

Back Off Barbarian[]

Barbarians are one of the 3 main antagonists of Back Off Barbarian, along with Iceskimos and Fire Demons.


Splash Attack

"Blunt Weapons"

Element: Non-Elemental

Max Hits: 1 per upgrade level (max 7)

Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage x 0.5

Use 360 RT360 Y/PS3 R2PS3 Triangle/Switch RTSwitch X to perform. Weapons rain from the sky in alternating directions. Each set contains a battle axe, a spear, and an arrow, though each set can only hit once. Contrary to popular belief, this Splash Attack is not like the "Arrow Rain" Splash Attack. As opposed to the arrows, the weapons rain from left to right and right to left when cast. Something special about this Splash Attack is that it basically bounces off of walls. Despite the name, the weapons used in this Splash Magic are sharp and not blunt.

Magic Projectile


Element: Non-Elemental

Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use 360 RT360 B/PS3 R2PS3 Circle/Switch RTSwitch A to perform. Tosses an ax that damages normal enemies.

Air Projectile


Element: Non-Elemental

Max Hits: 1

Damage/Hit: Base Magic Damage

Use 360 A, 360 RT360 Y/PS3 Cross, PS3 R2PS3 Triangle/Switch B, Switch RTSwitch X to perform. Tosses an ax that damages normal enemies.

Elemental Infusion

"Armor Pierce"

Element: Non-Elemental

Damage: Base Magic Damage x 2 + Base Melee Damage x 2

Use 360 X360 X360 X360 Y / PS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 Triangle / Switch YSwitch YSwitch YSwitch X to perform. his attack pierces armor, and it deals two times normal damage.

Magic Jump

"Dust Jump"

Element: Non-Elemental

Damage: Base Magic Damage

Use 360 RT360 A/PS3 R2PS3 Cross/Switch RTSwitch B to perform. Leaps up with a dust effect with a metal impact-like sound that damages overlapped enemies.



Barbarian's "Blunt Weapons" Splash Attack is a decent option, for Juggling. It is not to be considered boss slayer material. Overall Barbarian is an average character that like most average characters struggles in difficult or time consuming levels like Desert or Full Moon.

Castle Crashers[]

Barbarian is incredibly easy to pick up and learn. Since they have Magic that doesn't really help them too well, it is best to use a Strength heavy weapon or a Magic heavy weapon that does not reduce Strength.

Unlock Path[]

Start Character Unlocks Unlocks
Barbarian Killer Beekeeper N/A



  • The Barbarian can be used to earn the "Traitor" Achievement/Trophy by defeating the Barbarian Boss.
  • A Barbarian was made as a collectible figurine along with the 4 main knights.
  • The Beefy Barbarian seen at the start of the Barbarian Boss battle is one of only four Beefy Barbarians seen in the game. Besides this one, there is the one who kidnaps one of the princesses in the Barbarian War level, the one in the Necromancer boss battle, and lastly the one who sells the Thick Sword at the Swamp Store.
    • Out of all of these appearances, they are only actually fought once throughout the entire game, making the Beefy Barbarian tied for the least fought beefy enemy, along with the Beefy Brute & Beefy Conehead.
  • Barbarian was a star head skin in Battleblock Theater.
  • Barbarian appeared for a limited amount of time in Happy Wars.
  • On the Xbox 360, players can dress up their Avatar with the Barbarian's head by purchasing it in the Avatar Store.
  • Barbarian is one of Dan Paladin's favorite character designs, along with the Barbarian Boss and Green Knight.[1]
  • NPC Enemy Barbarians in Castle Crashers Remastered now use the Thief Sword.
  • Throughout the game, Barbarians are seen wielding Barbarian Axes, Thief Swords, Clubs, and Black Morning Stars.
    • Barbarians can wield the widest variety of weapons, being the only enemy with 4 different possible weapons.
  • Barbarian's background color in Character Select and nametag color is white, which is not intentional. The colors are supposed to match Thief's, but due to a typo in the game's code, Barbarian's color is undefined and Thief's is defined twice. The correct color can be seen in the character unlock guidebook that came with physical copies of the Switch version. Barbarian is the only character to have an error like this.

